We will be very happy to answer any questions you may have, either about us or simply about finding yourself a web developer.
We truly believe that good communication is the key to many things in life, websites included.
If you already have a website for your business then we have no doubt whatsoever that you’ll likely have many questions you wish to ask to build up a comparison. We are very happy to answer them and support you even if you choose not to join us.

  • Choose a website designer who is near to your business. It’s nice to have easy access. Unless you have very specific requirements that really cannot be serviced by a local website design company then look local.
  • It’s a fact that more and more people use mobile devices (smartphones/tablets etc) to access the internet. We strongly suggest that your site is ‘mobile friendly’ to help you remain competitive, be it our Value Package or our custom E-commerce solutions, you need to make browsing as easy as possible for your customers.
  • Strong communication levels are essential during the development phase of your website. Research shows that if you choose to do business with someone who you can get along with then the end product or service will be better than if you can’t communicate properly.
  • Most businesses have a website presence. But does it work? You may need to budget for the extras such as continued Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) if you operate in a highly competitive market area to get your website seen by your customers. For your convenience all of our sites are created with SEO in mind to benefit you, our customer.